October 20, 2007

H. Park

I've got an update from Hyemoon. She's o.k. and in good health. She's been busy launching a line of urban wear called "E. 38th Street." Lately, she's preoccupied with practicing her poses for the catalog. She modestly claims she needs to do it because they need to save money on models initially but I think this opportunity is why she started the clothing line in the first place. P.Diddy told me this. She wants our honest opinions. What do we think?

From left to right:

1) The Michelle Jackson - A nod to the king of pop. The arms are placed in position for Michael Jackson's iconic pose. However, she decided to forego the leg positions in order to tilt her head at the perfect angle and flash a natural smile. This is a science, peoples!!

2) The Mel Gibson - The Passion of the Hyemoon. "Vote or Die!"

3) The Give Up - A pose designed for the latter half of the catalog. You've seen the 38th St. line. You can't improve on ghettofabulous perfection.

4) The Inner Thug - Life on 38th St. is hard. The loose-fitting clothes give her room to think.

I personally think the "Michelle Jackson" and the "Inner Thug" work the best.

Hyuncher's last meal was delish. A distant memory since Hyuncher and Croptop have put me on a diet. The salmon was perfectly crisped. Below is how Croptop pays for his meals. He pays with sweat. When salmon muscles are pulled, a shiatsu under studio lighting are in order.


Jean said...

i like the last one!

hyuncher said...

moonie, we know you're reading these on your gmail. silence, it's a clever attention ploy . . . to get all these pretty pics of you posted on the blog. ha! what happened to my nasty pic?