November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm two-and-a-half hours away from a four-day weekend. This fact is making me antsy in my pantsy.

Last night, I was trying to come up with a list of things I wanted to do and accomplish over Thanksgiving break. It shouldn't have been a very hard thing to do but the cognac and the wine made me first put every whim through a "do-you-really-want-to-do-this-or-are-you-just- tipsy?" filter.

For example, I want to go to a nice bathhouse where I can lounge, read a book, listen to music, and eat lunch in a bathrobe at the on-site restaurant.

This passed the first filter. But would I rather do this than say wear my pajamas, watch movies, lolligag, and make prank phone calls to my dad the entire time.

The 'rather' question was the second filter. And in the example above, the 'rather' comparison hadn't gone through the first filter yet.

Planning on cognac is circuitous. It's like ordering from a greek diner in New York. Too many options. Too many possibilities.

I received a text from a friend at 1:30 a.m. wanting to know if I wanted to go to Atlantic City. But i had already done that last year with Croptop, Hyuncher, and Moonie. The best part was the diner where we saw a person get wheeled out on a gurney. And instead of being concerned, we sipped our coffees because somehow it didn't seem out of place there at 2 a.m.

Why does it seem that the old guy on the right with clothes on seems to be making all the effort to make contact with the young naked man on the left? I feel like this happens a lot in New York City.

So last night, while I was thinking about what I wanted to do, my mind did wander and I gave some thought about what I wanted to eat over Thanksgiving break.

Hawaiian Buttermilk Pancakes and Lasagna.

That's it.

I don't care if this desire was cognac induced. I'm going to get some Macadamia nuts after work today.
Thanksgiving ranks pretty high on my list of holidays. It represents long drives from Westlake to Irvine in order to eat Korean food on paper plates and summarily beat my cousins in basketball. During those drives, my sister and I'd sit in the back seat reading and occasionally we'd make each other laugh hysterically. I can't remember what we'd laugh about, just the fact that we did.

Thanksgiving is above Christmas because it's less commercialized. However, it ranks below Groundhog Day because it doesn't encapsulate the hope of spring and, as far as I know, hallmark and other retailers haven't profited from G-day yet.

Have a safe and happy thanksgiving everybody.

1 comment:

hyuncher said...

i have read and will comment on your post of signature length, because i have the luxury of TIME right now.

i went to bed without brushing my teeth last nite and now my teeth are gray. i'm scared that the damage is permanent.

the nice bathhouse you mention likely will not allow ipods and books and feet-smelling cellphones. i've only seen steam and naked bodies there.

i'm going to post the menu of what we get to eat on thanksgiving. no turkey, however.