January 7, 2008


i won't insist on meeting in honor of a belated birthday. we will look to the future -- even though kfc-lo and whatever have done their job in making me feel guilty (and bossy). anyway, i will apologize and move forward. (sorry, wool! finals got the worst of me.) oh and last comment regarding birthdays -- i would rather celebrate any landmark number of times i've clipped my toenails than kfc-lo's 1/3 birthday. moving on . . .

this year, i vote that we attempt to watch one movie, read one skinny book (graphic novel?) and make one outfit each for croptop and kfc-lo to wear while walking dora together. and of course, stuff our faces while doing all of the above. when i told kfc-lo that i would make a-line skirts for all of us for simplicity's sake he insisted on a kilt in the standard scottish plaid. i will oblige. although i don't know where to buy those monster safety pins.



Jean said...

Perfect, I just bought a red plaid dress over the break in LA. I will wear to the next club meeting.

I like the graphic novel idea, I kind of want to read V for Vendetta. Also I read a while ago that the author of V for Vendetta was supposed to be coming out with another graphic novel about pornography that sounded kind of interesting...(I could be totally off base here, my memory hasn't been great lately.)

KFCee-Lo said...

My favorite graphic novel is Blankets by Craig Thompson.

I want to read more Chris Ware.

Just putting these on the table.