May 22, 2008

carol is a loner.

to top off having no friends in this wonderful city, i get to sit in silence all day. in an office. with my laptop. trying to figure out how lawyers write. what a poser.

in lunch news, i tried the falafel shop a few days ago. B minus. today, i tried the vietnamese sandwich place three doors to the right. C minus. weird pressed-pork-bologna-thingy warrants the minus. i had high expectations for both but was disappointed. alas, i will have to upgrade to the farmer's market.

here are the other places i ate with my lovely family:

crabs at fisherman's warf
piccino in dogpatch
EOS in cole valley
boulange in cole
hang ah tea room dim sum in ctown
brothers korean in ?
hotei noodles in inner sunset
bambino's in cole
zazie dinner in cole

need to stop eating.

kfcman's only recommendation for me is papalote salsa. oh and to go running with the homeless on some track near my place. can any of you more resourceful friends recommend fun activities?


Jean said...

Y and I used to love Wonmi, a korean restaurant near Japantown. However I don't remember ever eating there while sober.

There's Hunan Home, which has really good walnut prawns.

There was this brunch place we used to always go to by Y's old apartment but I can't remember the! It's close by a really annoying-cute hair pin and earring store.

Across the bay there's Merritt Bakery in Oakland, a great fried chicken and waffles place.

In Berkeley people rave about Zachary's - but I personally don't like thick pizza. Get a thin slice at Cheese Board or Arizmendi's.

We should have a Whatever Club meeting in SF!

KFCee-Lo said...

Hyuncher, off the top of my head, I can think of two things you should not do:

1) Do not go to Funky Door Yoga on Waller Street. It’s bikram and the studio’s floor has carpeting and it really smells.

2) Do not offer to buy the homeless lady in front of Buena Vista Park who wears a pink bathrobe and puts toilet paper in her hair, new shoes. Most of her sneaker is gone but there’s a reason she is still wearing them. She’s very attached to them. And you can’t communicate with her rationally. See toilet paper in hair.

Kate’s Kitchen in the lower height has the best breakfast. Everything is really fresh and brunch is all that they do.

And aside from Kate’s kitchen, I think you should only be eating Mexican food.

On a really nice day, Dolores Park and coffee at the Dolores Park café are especially nice.

Find some comfortable independent coffee shops and read.

Check out the public library in the civic center. There’s an asian arts museum next door too.

ZamZam is a nice bar in the area. I used to go there to drink whiskey and greyhounds even though they’re known for their martinis.

Hang out with my friends that live down the street when they get back from Indonesia. They’ve lived in the area for a long time now and they’d be a great resource. I’ll get them in touch with you next week.